Sunday, July 28, 2013

Gadget of the Week

Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 Quadricopter with Replacement Battery for iPod touch, iPhone, iPad and Android Devices (Orange/Blue) Color choices Orange and Green or Orange and yellow
Price $339.99 Details Receives 720p high-definition live video streaming to Smartphone or tablet while flying Records & amp; shares videos & amp; pictures straight from AR.FreeFlight 2.0 piloting app Remote control quadricopter controlled by iPod touch, iPhone, iPad, and Android Devices with Version 2.2 and Multi-Touch

Buy it Here

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Normalized Space Travel

Imagine we traveled to space today like we travel on the bus.
Today I was listen to Tech Talk Live Podcast and the subject came up on Normalized Space Travel and I have to say this Idea goes on the list of top ten Future Tech Ideas. 

Finding a way to commute to space would be a daunting task, first we would need a reason to go to space, I mean something more than just to do it. Maybe have a souvenir  shop on the ISS, also have a tour going on at ISS as well. I believe that we do have the technology to do something like this today, but it would take a lot of resources and people would have to be ok with the dangers of space travel.