Sunday, February 2, 2014

Immersion a Gaming Headset to Take Over Your Mind ?

Have you gone through a few gaming controllers lately, have you had to replace a TV screen, due to the gamer rage? Well don't worry about that TV screen anymore, because now there is a simple headset that can control that gamer rage! Yes that is correct!
Designer Sam Matson has a solution to that gamer rage! Introducing Immersion, which is a headset that monitors your heart rate, and enhances the gamer’s difficulty level the more enraged he or she becomes. 
Is this the beginning of the real Matrix?

The idea of this headset is to help the player control anger rather than let it snowball into a screen smasher. Matson, the designer of this headset created a shooter game on the Unity platform, and he has also added in the ability to interpret a player’s pulse rate.
So how does all that work ?
The data from the headset is relayed via Bluetooth, from the optical pulse sensor, to the game. The idea is to make the player feel like “all hope is lost”, which will make  it harder for the player to advance, thus making him even more angry.
Some gamer’s believe that this is a bad idea, and rightfully so! most gamer’s become angry with a game because of the inability to proceed to the next level. So in my opinion, this headset is the worst idea I've ever heard to minimizing gamer rage, and saving that TV screen.
In the past few years, gaming has become more integrated with the player, for me this can be a good and bad thing. If there is too much integration, you have to worry about privacy, too little and you lose that first big impression.
Immersion is not available commercially, but will it soon be?
So what will it be, Red or Blue pill?

Target Malware Attack!

If you have recently shopped at Target, then I am sure you have heard about the recent Malware breach, with their POS or Point of Sale systems. It has been estimated that some 40 million U.S credit card and debit card accounts were compromised by the Malware attacks.
What is malware you ask?
Malware is a malicious software that can been downloaded onto your computer, intentionally or by accident. Malware includes of viruses, worms, trojan horses, and other types of software that can damage your system or violate your privacy. Malware can be installed on your computer when you download content, or any application from the Internet, either from email or websites. For more info on Malware click here —–> Malware info.

The Target Corporation is ranked as the 3rd U.S retailer, but you would think that being such a big corporation they would have top notch security in their systems. The attack on Target has been reported to last 19 days, in that time period some 40 Million credit and debit accounts were stolen, and around 70 Million customers were compromised.
These attacks consist of mostly memory parsing, a piece of malware that infects POS systems. (for more info on memory parsing click here). Credit card swipers and cash registers are Point of Sale systems, anytime you swipe a credit card that information is read by the machine, which if infected can also be read by malware attackers. The attackers can either use that information for themselves or sell it to other cyber-criminals.
The FBI has sent out a warning to retailers explaining that they should expect more attacks like the one on Target. In a three page report that was sent out by the FBI warns retail companies that,
“They believe POS malware crime will continue to grow over the near term, despite law enforcement and security firms’ actions to mitigate it. The accessibility of the malware on underground forums, the affordability of the software and the huge potential profits to be made from retail POS systems in the United States, make this type of financially motivated cyber crime attractive to a wide range of actors.”
The interesting thing is the attack happened during the holidays, why this is interesting is because will this be there target time of the year? Will these attacks happen more often during the holidays. How will this affect the economy with everyone too afraid to shop during the holidays.  I know one thing hearing the words “Credit or Debit” when checking out may be a thing of the past.

One thing is for sure, with all these attacks Security companies will be getting a flow of clients.
So what are some of the things that the home user can do to avoid such things.
1. Don't click on any links that are unrecognized or from somebody you don't know, especially in emails.
2. Never download a program that you don't need or ask for.
3. Install network monitoring tools, like WireShark or Microsoft Network Monitor (both are free, and easy to use)
4. Install a Malware protection program like Malwarebytes.
5. Smart surfing, don’t search for sites that could be dangerous. ( List provided here for dangerous sites)
Also a bonus, here is a safe browser extension that is community based. Each time someone goes to a dangerous site they can mark it as such, and the extension will automatically catalog that domain as a dangerous site. So anyone who has the extension will be alerted when they go to any untrusted or dangerous site. Extension available in the Chrome store and at there website here, WOT

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Google Microchip Tattoos

The past few years we have witnessed many different types of Technologies. From the MP3 player to the iPad, those technologies are nothing….. right? Well how about a microchip tattoo that is capable of storing and sharing information wirelessly?
That’s right!
Google recently announced a Microchip Tattoo that can store and share information wirelessly, now I know what you are thinking, cool right? Well if you’re not worried about becoming like one of those SyFy flicks, then by all means go for it. Let me know how it works out when the Government takes control of your body and mind.

I may be on the edge saying this, but I give it 10-15 years before we start seeing technology being integrated with humans on a large scale. Now yes, it is already happening with injured soldier and other people suffering from disabilities. But what I mean is integrating technology for pleasure or personal advancement. Now I’m sure you guys know I am a technology enthusiast, however when tech is used in the wrong way, thats when I begin to have a problem. And boy I can see something going wrong with Microchip tattoos.
On a recent article that I wrote a few days ago I discuss how Gaming has become more integrated with the players, and how dangerous that can become (Click Here for Article). It shouldn't take an open mind to see how tech being integrated with humans can be dangerous. Imagine sitting at the table eating with your family, the next thing you know you're standing over somebody outside of a business with a knife in your hand.

Totally farfetch’d right well not so much, take a look at what hypnotist can do. And they aren't using technologies to make you do things, just the power of persuasion  and influence. Technology being used for good can do amazing things, but when its used for evil it can destroy worlds.
So the next time you buy a gaming headset for your kid make sure understand the dangers of integration between Man and Machine.