Thursday, February 21, 2013

Are we utilizing the Internet?

In 40 years we managed to bring people together in a whole new way, by bringing the computer and Internet to every home. It's truly amazing when you sit and think how remarkable the Internet is, but it wouldn't be much without a computer. Being able to sit at home and  have the whole world at your fingertips, the knowledge of just about anything and everything you can get for free, it truly is amazing.
But I wonder why aren't we all utilizing this, I mean I can sit and watch a video on how to solve math equations or find out more about the history of America just by clicking and typing. I honestly am happy to be a citizen of this planet, but I find it ignorant that we don't utilize our inventions to there full capabilities.

I believe in 5 years most of our learning will be on a computer and less classes in a actual classroom, I mean today some college classes are done online with a video etc. I ask you do you think that teaching children via a computer is better then in a classroom? Where the student has to worry about being cool,bullied or scared to ask the teacher to repeat a question or explain in greater detail.

Having a video for the student to just rewind it if they missed a part I think is a better way, also look at the safety nowadays at schools, wouldn't you rather have your child safe at home learning off a computer where they can stop,pause and rewind.

 And also if the student needs help he/she could either email the teacher or another student could help. I think it would also help save our governments loads of money. I mean most of our family homes have at least on computer if not more, and those without would be provided with access to one etc.

This is just an idea I had nothing I said is what I want to happen, I'm just throwing ideas at you to ponder over.

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