Monday, February 25, 2013

iOS 7: Will Jailbreaking be Necessary ?

With the amount of Jailbreaking going on you'd think Apple gets the idea by now, If iOS 7 adds the abilities of customization to the Dock,Notifications center, etc. I believe that less Jailbreaking would be done.

Now I'm not saying that that's the only reason why Jailbreaking is done, but I bet adding some abilities to iOS that Jailbreaking provides will diminish some of the Jailbreaks done. Now I never jail broke before, but when I seen what is added when done it made me want to Jailbreak ASAP.

I bet getting some new customization abilities for the iPhone added to iOS 7 would be the best thing for iOS, I believe that's why Android is the goto phone for Developers and Geeks, it's because your not completely cutoff from customization abilities like iOS is. I honestly hope that's where the next big upgrade for iOS is targeting.

What do you think, Is that why you jailbreak? Would you still Jailbreak if iOS 7 adds customization abilities?

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